Two representatives of the Faculty of Electronics and Informatics – associate professor PhD Mindaugas Liogys and associate professor PhD Povilas Treigys went to Latvia for a meeting to discuss Erasmus+ programme funded project “Partnership to ensure Risk Management in Practice – PERM (project no. 2015-1-LV01-KA203-013436) activities, which will be carried out together with partners. During the meeting project management, financial and project outcomes questions were addressed. The partners allocated responsibilities and activities that ensure achievement of the project objectives: to develop the risk management guidance and management methodology and develop risk management simulation game. The project duration is 24 months starting 1st October 2015. The project academic partners are BA School of Business and Finance, Hogeschool Rotterdam and Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences. The partners representing business are AAS BALTA and Latvian Insurers Association.