On October 24-28th the group of the Faculty researchers – dr. Eugenijus Mačerauskas, dr. Andžej Lučun, dr. Antoni Kozič and lecturer, doctoral student Aliona Kirdeikienė visited the Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (Ventspils Augstskola, VeA) and Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (Ventspils Starptautiskais Radio astronomy centers, VIRAC) located in Latvia.

The main goal of the visit to the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre is to develop research topics already started with foreign partners, involving students. With the director of the Center, Dr. Alexei Klokovs and other scientific workers, it was planned to initiate joint scientific projects in the field of research of radio signals of the galaxy, as well as recording space debris in the orbits of satellites. During the meeting, new opportunities were offered to students to work with unique radio astronomy equipment – a parabolic antenna of impressive size, even 32 meters in diameter, capable of receiving weak radio signals from distant galaxies. Also, scientists were presented with a methodology for detecting space debris in ground orbit, which students of the Faculty of Electronics and Informatics could get acquainted with.

In a meeting with Dr. Vairis Caune, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology at the Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, and lecturers, opportunities for exchange and involvement in scientific projects between students of both higher education institutions were envisaged. The possibilities of organizing the international electronics competition “EIFTronic” in cooperation with the scientific societies of students of both universities of applied sciences were also discussed, involving students of the competitions and programming specialties.