These regulations establish the objectives of contest, conditions of participation, organization of contest, evaluation of tasks and award of participants.

Aim of contest
To promote interest in electronics, to improve the knowledge and practical skills on electronics, to develop teamwork and foreign language skills.

Place and time
Contest will be held at Vilniaus Kolegija/Higher Education Institution, the Faculty of Electronics and Informatics. Address: J. Jasinskio str. 15, Event Hall (room 327) Vilnius. Date: 8-9 May, 2025.

Teams registration 26 February 2025 to 18 April 2025

Contest timetable

  • Registration starts on 8 May at 9.30, Event Hall (room 327).   
  • Start of contest – 10.00, Event Hall.
  • Theoretical task. 10.30 – 12.00, room 321.
  • Practical tasks. 12.15 – 14.00., rooms: 408, 410, and 412.
  • Lunch – 14.10 – 14.40
  • Announcement of results and award of winners. 15.00 – 15.40, Event hall, 327
  • The cultural program – on 9 May, 10.00 – 15.00.

One team should consist of three I, II- or III-year students of the bachelor studies and one leader (teacher). Students of electronics and electrical engineering study areas are eligible to participate.

Contest Commission
Contest commission consists of participating teachers. Commission chairman will be elected by commission members. Commission determines individual tasks winners and team winners.

Tasks of contest and proceeding
Tasks of contest will be presented in English. The teams perform these tasks:

Theoretical test
All team members (students) will perform test at the same time. Test is composed of electronics and electrical engineering study areas: Physics, Electronics, Electrotechnics, Analogical and Discrete Devices, Signals and circuits, Electrical measurements.

1st practical task Assembling of electronic circuit and parameter measurement
Using NI Multisim software ((Multisim Download – NI), assemble the circuit and perform measurements of its parameters.

2nd practical taskArduino microcontroller and peripheral programming
Write a program for the microcontroller (using ArduinoIDE), according to the given task, which is related to peripherals (sensors, motors, displays, etc.).

3rd practical task Designing and assembling a digital device on a breadboard
According to the given task design and assemble a digital device on a breadboard.


Evaluation of tasks 

Theoretical test
Time: 1 h 30 minutes.
The theoretical test consists of 50 questions. Theoretical test is worth up to 100 points. All team members will perform the same test, the average of all team members obtained points will be added to final team evaluation.

Practical tasks
Each practical task is evaluated individually and obtained points are added to final team evaluation. Task performance time is considered.

1st practical task
Time: 1 h 45 minutes.
Task will be evaluated up to 100 points.

2nd practical task
Time: 1 h 45 minutes.
For the task, an Arduino Uno microcontroller and peripherals (depending on the task) are given. 80 points are awarded if the task is fully completed on time. When the task is fully completed, a check of how many bits is used by the program, up to 20 points are awarded depending on who has the least.

3rd practical task
Time: 1 h 45 minutes.
Participants will receive a set of components, breadboard and methodical material.
Assessment criteria: a device submitted on time and functioning according to the task requirements – up to 100 points.

The more detailed information about evaluation of tasks will be provided at the meeting of team leaders.

Award of participants
The winner becomes the team with maximal points collected. If there are two or more teams with the same points collected, the higher place will be designated to the team, which have more points on practical tasks. Team winner and most points collected students at individual tasks will be awarded diplomas and sponsors prizes. IInd and IIIrd place winners will be awarded diplomas. For all participants and team leaders the certificates of participation will be handed.

Request: we would invite to wear team identifications (e.g. T-shirts, scarfs, caps, etc.)

You are welcome to participate!

More detailed information

E-mail. a.kirdeikiene@eif.viko.lt
Tel. +370 660 86522
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Electronics and Informatics
Vilniaus kolegija/Higher Education Institution
E-mail. g.sirvelis@viko.lt
Tel. +370 621 72225
Department of Partnerships and Projects
Faculty of Electronics and Informatics
Vilniaus kolegija/Higher Education Institution